Wednesday 17 February 2010

Book Review: Finding the Picture: A Location Photography Masterclass

I have recently finished reading Finding the Picture: A Location Photography Masterclass by Phil Malpas and Clive Minnitt.

I found it a really enjoyable read. There are loads of excellent images within its pages and each photograph is accompanied by a commentary from both Phil and Clive.

The commentaries work really well with both photographers happily critiquing there work and offering suggestions as to how they could have improved the picture. The comments are well thought out and offer a real insite into the thought processes behind each shot.

I read the book a few pages at a time and then used my camera as soon as possible afterwards. Having the comments and image critiques fresh in my mind really helped to focus my mind on the whole business of picture taking.

Highly Recommended.

Saturday 13 February 2010


As part of the promotion for Darren Chaplins new gallery. This months Essex Life magazine features pictures from Kevin Goodchild and myself. Four of my images of spring are in their Beautiful Essex feature.
Darrens Gallery opens at Easter:
The Gallery

The Craft Village
View Garden Centre, Old Chelmsford Road
Rawath, Wickford,Essex
SS11 8SJ

Monday 1 February 2010

Phil Malpas is photographer of the month for February

I have recently been reading Finding The Picture by Phil Malpas & Clive Minnitt. The quality of the work in the book has really impressed me so this months top tog is Phil Malpas.

(by Phil Malpas)

His website is well worth a visit.

Previous Photographers of the Month