Lately I have got round to reading one of my Christmas presents.
The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos is an interesting book that deals solely with composition and has already given me plenty to consider when creating photos.
Somerset House(Click to view large)
The curving stones provide a lead-in to the main building with the figure on the thirds to add interest.Many photography books cover composition but this goes into much more depth than many of the more general books. The information here is not just the dreaded "rule of thirds" or "stick a rock in the foreground of your wide angle landscape shots", its much more detailed than that.
It covers using shapes and contrasts, the effect of colours and intent, plus a whole host more.
I would recommend reading it in one pass to get a feel for it. Then going back and studying a small section and attempt to use it in making your pictures.
Gas Light
A rusty gasometer lit by a setting sun makes for an interesting abstract. Tilting the camera utilises the rectangular frame to gives a composition made almost entirely of simple geometric shapes.All in all a highly recommended book.
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Hi Chris, I completely agree with you on this book. It was great! I really want to work some of the contrasts that he listed. They are very cool things to look at when one gets a little photographers block. Thanks for posting about it. Everyone should read this book.
Thanks Beau - Yes I thought the contrasts section was useful and it won't be long before I am setting them as a task for myself too.
I bought the book on your recommendation Chris, well worth it, some great info about breaking down a scene and what to look for.
Kevin Goodchild
Thanks Kevin - glad someone likes my recommendations :)
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