Friday, 15 May 2009

Backup to the Cloud - Final Thoughts

I have had quite a lot of feedback about my articles on backing up to the cloud:
Backup to the cloud - Part One
Backup to the cloud - Part Two

I am glad I introduced the concept to so many people.

Gold Green and Blue

The feed back that I got was that it sounded interesting but it seemed ever so complicated. Sorry that will be me get too technical too quickly. For most people with one PC or mac i really is very simple:
  1. Download and install the BackBlaze client
  2. Create an account
  3. If you still like it after 15 for it.
It really is very easy and completely trouble free. Why not try it free for 15 days.

I don't see any point in backing up a load of rubbish that I will never ever use or look at so I have taken the opportunity to have a real cull of images. When I look back it's amazing the amount of old tosh I have had cluttering up my disks. I estimate this should reduce the size of my archive by at least a third.

If you still don't think backing up to the cloud is for you this chart is worth taking a look at, as it gives you an idea of how cloud backup compares against other forms of backup. Though I must stress that they are not exclusive options, the more backups you have...the better.

1 comment:

  1. Nice color contrast, i like it.
    Good luck ahead, Lucian.
