Sunday, 17 May 2009

Painters with Light Exhibition at the Octagon

I have just got back from hanging the latest exhibition by The Painting with Light Society - it is at the Octagon in Colchester.

In to the Octagon

I thought I would share a few pictures of the exhibition as I think it looks great. It took four of us three hours to hang the exhibition and there was hardly any swearing involved at all!

Dave Peck admiring the finished Exhibition

The East Wall

Dave Peck & Ian Flindt share a joke

The complete exhibition

The exhibition runs till August with a launch night on the 22nd of May. The Octagon is an office building shared by many companies. The staff and visitors pass through the exhibition on their way to the building from the carpark.

If you wish to visit the exhibition its fine to go between 8.30 and 6 workdays. Just go in the main doors and ask to be pointed in the right direction for the exhibition. If you want to go at the weekend we need to contact The Octagon to arrange.

If this is not convenient then, don't worry as the exhibition will be moving to a public library later in the year.


  1. Looks great, as I live down the road, I will come and take a look.

    I love the work of your group anyway.

  2. Thanks for the comment Jade. the Octagon is an Office block and the exhibition is in the bridge between the carpark and the offices themselves.

    I'm not sure how easy it would be to get in if your not a visitor or employee. I'll try to find out.

  3. It's gorgeous space. Great photo. Great ART with simple line and texture.
