Tuesday, 12 May 2009

The Bells, The (blue) Bells

Sorry to those of you who got half this post by email - I pressed the wrong button!

It's May and that means only one thing...Bluebells!

(click to view large)

These delicate little flowers can be found in many forests and shaded areas at this time of year. And can often be found accompanied by a photographer grovelling on the ground and scratching their head as they attempt to find a composition that hasn't been done to death before.

Bluebell Stripes
(click to view large)

Personally my very favourite place for bluebells is Ashridge Forest, it is run by the National Trust and every year they manage it to produce a fantastic carpet of bluebells. It can get busy near the carparks but walk away from the popular areas and into the depths and you can have an entire carpet of bluebells to yourself.

(click to view large)

Anyway - I thought I would share some of my shots from Ashridge - hope you like them.

Two in the Blue
(click to view large)

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