You can download the latest version of Lemon from here.

The current release features:
- Keep track of editions and sales easily from one screen.
- Block Allocate ~ reserve a group of prints for a particular customer.
- Certificates of Authenticity.
- Print Run ~ Mark a group of prints as printed and generate the appropriate certificates.
- Sales reports.
- AutoAllocate © ~ When creating an edition numbers can be automatically allocated.
this is a great program from Shepherdpics, if your selling images and would like to keep track of them this free download is superb.
Thanks again Chris for giving up your time to provide it, topman
Looks nice on your blog however a MAC version would be nice!
I just don't do Windows!
Thanks in advance!
Sorry Linda, I doubt there will ever be a Mac version, I gave up with Macs years ago.
You could run it under Bootcamp or parellels aparently.
I gave up on Windows years ago and saved my company and me a fortune in repairs and tech support people.And we don't have to really worry much about viruses on Mac's..
No,I don't care for Parallels but thanks anyway!
Oh well each to their own I suppose. I just couldn't get on with paying well over the odds for underpowered/overpolished hardware.
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