Thursday, 3 April 2008

Big Prints

There are few times in my life when I have unrolled the contents of a cardboard tube and exclaimed "wow" but this weekend was one of them!

I have just had some large A1 sized prints made of some of my favourite pictures and I have to say I am very impressed. Up till now I have not bothered getting large prints done as finding a supplier who can reliably reproduce images at a reasonable price can be a bit of a pain, I often have been disappointed with the results…but not now!

My prints were produced by Dave Newton of Photopositive, for those of you who don’t know Dave he is the technical editor of CPN (Canon Professional Network) and EOS Magazine and more importantly he is very, very picky. Years of testing cameras and lenses means that he knows "pin sharp" from just "sharp" and he knows a good colour rendition from a bad one. Dave’s site features printing services, which uses a simple 4 part process to produce your prints:

  • Preparation - simply sort out the pics you want printed and create a text file explaining what you want printed.
  • Upload - either ftp or snail-mail the files.
  • Payment - The site features a rather wizzy javascript calculator that works out the pricing for you. You then click the paypal button to pay (using either your paypal account or a credit card).
  • Wait - for your prints soon your prints will arrive through your (or even your customers) door.
Defences at Dawn (looks great printed large)
(Click to view large)

Now I have a reliable supplier, it won't be long before I am offering large prints of some of my more popular shots.

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