Tuesday, 4 December 2007

UK Landscape Photography Location Guides

One of the greatest skills a Landscape photographer can develop is the ability to read a map and find new locations that may just bear fruit.

But this is the 21st century and the web allows us to share our favourite locations, so If you are looking for a location for landscape photography in the UK then here are a few really useful resources I have found that should help point you in the right direction.

Sunrise over Northey
(Click to view large)

Chris Maddock has produced The Lazy Photographers Guides which cover many great locations less than half a mile from road access.

If you are looking for a location Wales then take a look at the guides on LandscapePhotographyUK. Simon Kitchen has done a great job by creating a whole series of Location guides to North Wales and Anglesey.

I should also mention the ePhotozine locations section that is edited by yours truly. This has guides to many locations in the UK and the rest of the world.

Are there any other Photo location guides out on the web. If you know of one then please add a comment and let me know.

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