I am rather chuffed to have won the Ephotozine Christmas Card Competition and with it free membership to Ephotozine's paid membership option "E2". The only thing is I already get E2 membership due to being a moderator & section editor. So I have decided to give it away to the needy.
To win this fabulous prize simply create an image on the (new years) theme of LOOKING FORWARD. Then upload it as a modification to this picture.
Judging will take place on the 1st of January (2nd if the hangover is really bad).
Good luck everyone.
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Do you suffer from TAM?
Territorial Artistic Myopia (or TAM) for short. Is a terrible disease that can affect the photographer when he/she leasts expects it. This informative article by Harry Nowell allows you to identify the symptoms and administer the treatment to stop TAM blighting your life.
Personally I have found that my Friday Lunchtime Project has gone a long way to alleviating the symptoms of TAM. Here is the result of last Fridays trip and a strange attraction to air conditioning vents:
Keep looking at the world anew and you should be able to banish TAM from your life.
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A New Years Resolution
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The Friday Project Update
Another Friday Project Update
Personally I have found that my Friday Lunchtime Project has gone a long way to alleviating the symptoms of TAM. Here is the result of last Fridays trip and a strange attraction to air conditioning vents:
Keep looking at the world anew and you should be able to banish TAM from your life.
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Life Round Lloyds
A New Years Resolution
In the City
The Friday Project Update
Another Friday Project Update
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
As I may have mentioned I am the Photo Locations Editor for Ephotozine. The idea of the Locations Section is for people to share their favourite photographic location with other photographers, whether it is ideal for Landscapes, Architecture, Wildlife or anything else.
I have just posted up a report for Leigh-on-Sea which is a part of the Essex coast that is very near to me and consequently somewhere I visit as often as I can.
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I have just posted up a report for Leigh-on-Sea which is a part of the Essex coast that is very near to me and consequently somewhere I visit as often as I can.
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Monday, 10 December 2007
Take a few snaps on the journey
What is this life, full of care, we have no time to stop and stare
William Henry Davies
Get the best shots you can, but don't forget to take a few snapshots on the way
Chris Shepherd
Just a reminder to all you photographers out there who obsess about exposure, filters, getting the right light, raw, lightroom, HDR, photoshop, equipment, etc, etc. That its always worth remembering to take some snapshots of those you love and events that happen as you move through life.
It's great to sell fine-art photos to the public, but in 10 years time you are going to spend a lot more time looking at snapshots that aren't technically perfect than any of your "greatest hits", just because they have the power to remind you of your life and those you love.
There is no real excuse not to snap away with digital as the cost of a few extra shots is not even noticeable. By all means use your skills to produce a good image, but almost any image is better than no image when you look back at your snaps.
So in the spirit of taking snapshots I would like to introduce you to Bernie (now renamed Harvey). He was left at our local RSPCA rescue centre on Saturday morning, he is only 14 weeks old, but some friends of ours have given him a loving new home.
I thought I would try to get some snaps of him...but he was quite keen on playing tug with the camera! Still at least they will have a reminder of his first day with them.
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Friday, 7 December 2007
Photoshop Shiny Chrome Effect
Here is a little Photoshop technique I developed the other day to make shiny metal really shiny (click on any image to view a large version).
First duplicate the layer:

Run the High-Pass filter with a large number of pixels so that the shiny areas get emphasised.

Finally then just change the layer blend mode to soft-light ( or hard-light) to make it all shiny:
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Beginners guide to Photoshop Layers:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
First duplicate the layer:

Run the High-Pass filter with a large number of pixels so that the shiny areas get emphasised.

Finally then just change the layer blend mode to soft-light ( or hard-light) to make it all shiny:
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Beginners guide to Photoshop Layers:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Strictly No Photography
Ahh, the lure of the forbidden.
Last week I was out photographing in Canary Wharf with my good friend Steve, when a security guard informed us (well Steve...I don't look like a villain apparently) that we can't take pictures of the buildings. I wonder if they think it will wear the buildings out if too many pictures are taken of them?
I didn't even want a picture of the building, but now I had been told it was forbidden...I couldn't resist! It seems I am not alone in this rebel tendency as there is now a whole website devoted to like minded people/anarchists/criminals/libertarians/trouble makers/ne'er-do-wells* called strictlynophotography.com.
Their mission statement makes for an appetising read:
* Delete as applicable
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Last week I was out photographing in Canary Wharf with my good friend Steve, when a security guard informed us (well Steve...I don't look like a villain apparently) that we can't take pictures of the buildings. I wonder if they think it will wear the buildings out if too many pictures are taken of them?
I didn't even want a picture of the building, but now I had been told it was forbidden...I couldn't resist! It seems I am not alone in this rebel tendency as there is now a whole website devoted to like minded people/anarchists/criminals/libertarians/trouble makers/ne'er-do-wells* called strictlynophotography.com.
Their mission statement makes for an appetising read:
Strictly no photography is a photo-sharing site for photographs taken where you are not allowed to take them. From the inside of the Kremlin to Kensington palace, from art galleries to war zones. Here you can see everything you've ever wanted to see that you're not supposed to. There are pictures that range from the ordinary to the profound. Whatever the content or the quality though we think that each one stands as a little piece of art in itself, as a little expression of personal liberty.
* Delete as applicable
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Photography in public places wallet card
Public Photography and the Law
Jobsworths and not-so-jobsworths
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
UK Landscape Photography Location Guides
One of the greatest skills a Landscape photographer can develop is the ability to read a map and find new locations that may just bear fruit.
But this is the 21st century and the web allows us to share our favourite locations, so If you are looking for a location for landscape photography in the UK then here are a few really useful resources I have found that should help point you in the right direction.
Chris Maddock has produced The Lazy Photographers Guides which cover many great locations less than half a mile from road access.
If you are looking for a location Wales then take a look at the guides on LandscapePhotographyUK. Simon Kitchen has done a great job by creating a whole series of Location guides to North Wales and Anglesey.
I should also mention the ePhotozine locations section that is edited by yours truly. This has guides to many locations in the UK and the rest of the world.
Are there any other Photo location guides out on the web. If you know of one then please add a comment and let me know.
But this is the 21st century and the web allows us to share our favourite locations, so If you are looking for a location for landscape photography in the UK then here are a few really useful resources I have found that should help point you in the right direction.
Chris Maddock has produced The Lazy Photographers Guides which cover many great locations less than half a mile from road access.
If you are looking for a location Wales then take a look at the guides on LandscapePhotographyUK. Simon Kitchen has done a great job by creating a whole series of Location guides to North Wales and Anglesey.
I should also mention the ePhotozine locations section that is edited by yours truly. This has guides to many locations in the UK and the rest of the world.
Are there any other Photo location guides out on the web. If you know of one then please add a comment and let me know.
Saturday, 1 December 2007
Michael Mercer is Photographer of the month for December
Michael Mercer is a photographer situated in central Scotland who produces work of outstanding quality. I find his work incredibly inspiring and imaginative, especially when he explores abstract and conceptual topics.
His website is full of stunning images images that are very inspiring.
Previous Photographers of the Month
His website is full of stunning images images that are very inspiring.
Previous Photographers of the Month