Thursday, 30 August 2007

Capture One 4 Beta

Ohhh, I'm so excited - I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!

Finally, Phase One have released the beta of my favourite raw converter Capture One. I have only just downloaded it so no conclusions yet but if the image quality is as good as Capture One v3 and the promised workflow improvements work I will be a happy bunny.

Why not give the beta a try too?


I've been having a play with it, on some shots I took of a chair I found in the middle of Epping Forest, and I'm very impressed so far.

A Seat in the Country
(Click to view large)

  • It seems pretty stable for a beta, certainly much more usable than the Lightroom betas.
  • UI seems to have taken a lot of the good features from Lightroom & aperture and made them workmanlike rather than gimicky.
  • Variants are a great addition to the product and seem to work well.

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