Monday, 23 July 2007

Rocks - A Thing of Beauty

I have just become really privileged to get my hands on a copy of Bill Atkinson's book of abstract rock images "Within the Stone". The book is a real thing of beauty with amazing images jumping off every page.

Petrified Wood
(by Bill Atkinson)

The other feature of the book is the remarkable print quality, the purity and vividness of the colours take the breath away. Bill is a colour management guru and he apparently spent a lot of time working with the printers to develop new techniques that represented the colours in the original images perfectly and boy does it work!

To be honest I'm not sure that someone like me who regularly breaks the spines of books and folds over page corners to keep his place should be entrusted with such a precious thing but I will be on my best behaviour with it.

Recommended for all fans of Abstract photography, fine art photography and great printing.

If you are in the US you can get a signed copy from Bills Site unfortunately he doesn't ship abroad but in the UK you can get it from Amazon: Within the Stone: Nature's Abstract Rock Art.

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