I am still investigating using the
controlled vocabulary when keywording images. David Riecks at
www.controlledvocabulary.com has produced a controlled vocabulary keyword catalogue, which is a great basis for a structured keywording of files and now the new version of
Downloader Pro integrates with the controlled vocabulary keyword catalogue. This blog is the first part of a 2 part blog showing how to use downloader pro and Controlled Vocalbulary to manage your images. This first blog covers the set-up of the programs which you should only have to do once and the second covers day to day usage.
Downloader Pro is a great tool for downloading images from a memory card - the main benefits I get out of using it are:
- Intelligent File Renaming based on attributes in the file.
- Intelligent directory creation based attributes in the files.
- Supporting directory creation (../Tiffs,../Webready) to improve workflow
- Immediate backup of every document to a different drive
- Bulk keywording and metadata.
Of these keywording and metadata are one of the most neglected areas for most photographers. The download process is one of the most useful times to apply metadata to your images as this bulk information will usually apply to a whole shoot and stay with the images throughout your workflow.
Installing the CVKC1.
Order the Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalogue.2.Download the breezebrowser zip file: cvkcv3_0-BBpro16.zip
3. Unzip cvkcv3_0-BBpro16.zip
4. From the downloaded files copy cvkcv3_0.txt into the Downloader Pro program directory (usually C:\Program Files\BreezeSys\Downloader Pro), replacing the Keywords.txt file that is there already.
Set up your Downloader Pro configurationRun Downloader Pro and Select File>Preferences and on the Download Path tab you can use the {tags} to allow files to be renamed in whatever way you like and placed in named directories according to your preferred naming scheme. if you use the {J tag and select "Prompt for Job code every time Downloader Pro is run, the system will request a name/code for each batch of pictures you download and build them into the naming of the files.

On the general tab make sure you check "Add ITPC/XMP data to downloaded images" and "prompt for ITPC/XMP data every time Downloader pro is run. The first means that your standard metadata will be written to the files as you download. The second means that you can change this each time you download.

On Automation tab it is best to check all the options so that downloading is completely automated.

Setup the custom button for your preferred software for browsing the downloaded images, In my case I use Breezebrowser which makes things quite simple:

On the plug-in screen I have 2 plug-ins enabled , director maker and Backup.

Backup is configured to automatically copy every downloaded image to a second disk drive whilst the directory maker is set to create the directories that support my workflow.
Setup your default metadataOne of the clever things with Downloader pro is that the {tags} can be used all over the program and they really come in handy when configuring your standard metadata. On the Origin Tab I use {tags} to set the date & time correctly and enter the standard origin information I want to write to every file:

My contact information stays the same from one day to the next , so again this is set for all images:

The Caption information can be defaulted as well - here I have used the {J} tag to render the job-code into every image.

Now we are all set-up and ready to go. In part 2 I will take you through the actual download process I use on a daily basis.
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