Monday, 16 April 2007

Thanks Ron!

According to my feedburner stats, I suddenly have a load of subscribers to my blog feed. This seems mainly due to my recent articles covering Lightroom, iView media Pro and Controlled Vocabulary. So a big hello everyone and a quick warning: Not everything here is about software. I tend to jump around subjects (within photography) in my blog, so if you don't like one blog, hopefully something better will be along soon.

In his great series of blogs on the seven deadly sins of photography David Toyne describes his first encounter with a professional photographer and it wasn;'t a good one. By contrast I have always found the serious amateur/professional photographers I have met, (or contacted by email) have, without exception been extremely friendly and helpful. For example: Paul Indigo and Keith Henson are a credit to their profession, in the way they were happy to discuss any part of the photographic process with me - for which I thank them both.

Many years back now my very first encounter, with a proper photographer was a chat to Ron Tier at one of his exhibitions. Now, Ron's name is usually followed by more letters than a postman running from an angry dog, yet still he took the time to talk to a complete novice like me and even pass on a tip or two. I doubt he remembers the encounter...but I do!

First Train
Ron Tear, ARPS, MPAGB, BPE3*, PSA3*

Time passes and my photography has moves on and I find myself (virtually) bumping into Ron on Ephotozine and then later I met both Ron and his lovely wife Maggie at Harlow Photographic Society.

One day recently I spoke to Ron about a picture of his that I have always liked and next thing I know he has given me a print of it...what amazing generosity! So I feel it is the least I can do to point my many readers in the direction of Ron & Maggies website so you can all enjoy their terrific images.

One word of warning though: Ron uses "film" for those of you not familiar with "film" it's very similar to ordinary photography don't be scared.

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