Saturday, 24 February 2007

Photographer Interviews

This week has featured 2 rather interesting interviews with pro photographers appearing on-line.

The first is a video interview of Henri Cartier-Bresson talking to Charlie Rose which is certainly something I have never seen before.

The second is a lovely in depth piece about Hellen Van Meene by David Toyne.

What strikes me about both artists work is that if they were posted anonymously on the on-line photography sites like Flickr or ephotozine they would not get much attention at all. Proof if it were needed that the great photographers develop their own individual style rather than attempt to pander to popular opinion of what is "right" or follows "the rules".


  1. Thanks for the interview plug Chris. Glad you understood the main thrust of the article also. The point of getting creative in your way not as a mimic of another style.

  2. Only too glad to promote good stuff like this :)
