Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Digital Workflow Article (Part2)

So I have finally got round to completing part 2 of my articles documenting my digital workflow.

To be honest this part is a bit messy as very little of it is automated...and that is not a good thing if you ask me. I am hoping that as the year progresses I will move to either Adobe Lightroom or the new version of Capture One as both seem to offer the possibility of a more automated workflow.

The idea of having the workflow as articles is that I can update them as my workflows improve, the ultimate goal being that I only have to make the "Creative" decisions i.e. should this be in B&W ?, how about a crop? etc. The software should automate everything else: file locations, keywording, backups,etc.

Soon I will start work on part 3 which deals with presentation: prints, websites and web galleries. The final part will deal with archiving.

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