Thursday, 20 March 2008

Painters with Light Gallery Owners Presentation

The Painting with Light team get quite a few enquiries from gallery owners about exhibitions and being visually orientated folk we decided to create a presentation about the group and its work. Dave Peck did all the hard work, designing and building a powerpoint presentation to showcase our work.

The thing is, powerpoint is not really a format you want to stick on the web. So I have used authorPoint Lite to convert the presentation to flash and then stuck it on some spare webspace. If you get a spare few minutes, why not take a look at the Painitng with Light Society Gallery Owners Presentation and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Lightroom Tips and Tricks

Just came across this free ebook of Lightroom tips & tricks - might be of use to all you Lightroom users.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Photoshop Disasters

I have just come across the Photoshop Disasters blog. there is some great stuff on there. It is really interesting to see how much the view of the world we are presented with has been manipulated. My current favourite is this headless sportsman:

In addition I notice the Daily Mail still has this image on their site - even though half the front wheel of the left hand motorcycle is missing.

Whilst we are looking at Photoshop manipulation, if you haven't visited the portfolio at Iwanex studio it is well worth a look to see how much the images of the beautiful and famous are tweaked (click on portfolio than a persons image - moving the mouse gives you the before & after).

If "the camera never lies" then it seems Photoshop can make it fib a bit!

Friday, 7 March 2008

London Terror Posters - The Remix

Yesterday I blogged about the new London anti terror posters. Now its time to see the reaction on the web.

Here are some good ones
, some more here though this is my favourite:

by illegalphotos on Flickr

This is a great little video that summarises our rights on the matter.

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U.S.A. Photographers Rights
Public Photography and the law
Strictly No Photography

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Eeek! I'm a potential terrorist now

I see that the Metropolitan Police Service - Counter-terrorism advertising campaign asks:
Thousands of people take photographs every day, what if one of them seems odd?

Ho hum, I wonder how they define odd? I should think taking a picture of a handrail would look pretty odd to most people:

(Click to view large)

I look forward to a trip to Guantanimo Bay real soon.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Widemouth Bay Location Report

As I may have mentioned I am the Photo Locations Editor for Ephotozine. The idea of the Locations Section is for people to share their favourite photographic location with other photographers, whether it is ideal for Landscapes, Architecture, Wildlife or anything else.

I am just working through some shots from last year and have used these to create a report for Widemouth Bay in Cornwall, which is a fantastic summer location for surfing and sunset shots. Last year I visited it three evenings running as I really loved the place on a warm summers evening.

Widemouth Bay

(Click to view large)

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Saturday, 1 March 2008

Helen Dixon is Photographers of the month for March

Helen Dixon is a photographer who's work I really admire. She always seems to produce such beautiful images from around the UK. A visit to her website is a real treat for the eyes.

December Dawn
by Helen Dixon

Previous Photographers of the Month